          〈教廷新聞官FR. FEDERICO LOMBARDI S.J.就中華人民共和國主教聖職授任典禮之聲明〉(2010.11.18))●雲程譯 STATEMENT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE FR. FEDERICO LOMBARDI S.J. CONCERNING NEWS ABOUT AN EPISCOPAL ORDINATION IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA , 18.11.2010 〈教廷新聞官FR. FEDERICO LOMBAR 土地買賣DI S.J.就中華人民共和國主教聖職授任典禮之聲明〉(2010.11.18)●雲程譯 問:有關消息,羅馬教廷的立場是什麼?一些中國大陸主教被迫參加河北省承德一個主教聖職授任典禮?候選人是否得到教皇的批准?答:教廷對於這中國的報告感到不安,報告說?設計裝潢@些教宗教會下的主教被中國政府官員所迫,參加預定11月20日左右於中國西北方承德舉行的非法主教聖職授任典禮。如果這些報導屬實,那麼,羅馬教廷將認定這樣的行動嚴重侵犯宗教自由和信仰自由。它還將考慮這樣一個主教聖職授任典禮為非法且破壞了近來中華人民共和國中?新成屋磡M羅馬教廷間所發展的建設性的關係。此外,教廷證實,郭進才神父沒有得到教皇批准並祝聖為天主教教會的主教。教廷熱衷於與中國發展積極的關係,已為此事與中國當局接觸,並澄清了自己的立場。 STATEMENT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE FR. FEDERICO LOMBARDI S.J. CONCE 居酒屋RNING NEWS ABOUT AN EPISCOPAL ORDINATION IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Question: What is the position of the Holy See regarding the news according to which some bishops in Mainland China are forced to participate in a bishop ordination in Chengde, Hebei? Is the candidate approved by th 591e Pope? Answer: The Holy See is disturbed by reports from Mainland China alleging that a number of bishops in communion with the Pope are being forced by government officials to attend an illicit episcopal ordination in Chengde, northeastern Hebei, said to be scheduled around November 20. If these reports are 票貼 true, then the Holy See would consider such actions as grave violations of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. It would also consider such an ordination as illicit and damaging to the constructive relations that have been developing in recent times between the People's Republic of China and the Holy See. Moreover, th 找房子e Holy See confirms that Fr Joseph Guo Jincai has not received the approval of the Holy Father to be ordained as a bishop of the Catholic Church. The Holy See, keen to develop positive relations with China, has contacted the Chinese authorities on this whole matter and has made its own position clear. [01639-02.01] [Original text: English] [B0711-XX.01] 房屋貸款 【相關報導】 教廷對中國違背宗教自由感到不安●VOA(2010.11.18) 中國和梵蒂岡就主教任命出現新爭執●BBC(2010.11.19) …香港大學榮譽教授梁潔芬在接受BBC中文網採訪時說,以前有五、六個中國主教在祝聖之前都得到了教廷的准許,但是現在很特別的就是這 網路行銷次祝聖沒有得到教廷准許,這反映出「中國和梵蒂岡在談判的時候出了一些小小的亂子」。 梁潔芬教授表示,問題出在什麼地方,這些外交秘密人們無從知道。但是她認為,雙方沒有做太多的讓步,沒有做太多的妥協。 她還說,中國和梵蒂岡的關係很反覆,和天氣一樣,今天出太陽,明天就下雨。…   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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